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空洞骑士 Wiki






圖標 名字及描述(描述為官方文本,待補入) 價格 獲得條件

Simply, a simple key. It will fit a variety of locks, which is useful if you like to poke around in places you don't belong.


I found this under the counter. Some creature must have laid it here while I was stuck down in the ruins. I suppose you could buy it? I won't miss its sour odour.


What's more important? A light to guide your way, or a friend who'll stay by your side?

Why not both? Take this bright little fellow as your companion and he'll light your way through the thickest darkness.


Do you find yourself leaving a lot of Geo behind as you hurry through the caverns? This charm will make sure that any loose change finds its way back to you.


Life in Hallownest can be tough, always taking hits and getting knocked around. This charm grants you more time to recover after taking damage. Useful if you need to escape from a tight spot.


You enjoy smacking about foes with that nail of yours, right? With this charm equipped, you'll be able to send them flying further with every hit!

350 店主的鑰匙

An explorer found this fancy key floating in the waterways of the city far below us. I've not cleaned it.

800 店主的鑰匙

This old thing? Merely a fragment of something larger. Still, maybe you can make some use of it.


I found another of these. If you look closely, there's some nice engraving work on them.

I suspect I undercharged last time, and this is the only one left. It's gonna cost you!

500 購買了前一個碎片

You're collecting these, aren't you? Well you're in luck, I found another in my storeroom.

This is the last one though, so it's priced accordingly.

800 店主的鑰匙,購買了前一個碎片

As it turns out, I do actually have one more of these shards left. Very last one! I feel bad charging you so much for the previous shards, especially because it means I have to charge even more for this one.

1500 店主的鑰匙,購買了前一個碎片

A piece of a Soul Vessel. You know, those ghastly looking orb things?

I don't really like the aura about it, but it's quite rare so I'll have to charge you a high price.


I dug out another of these. Turns out

I had a complete set. If they didn't give me the creeps, I'd put the pieces together myself.

900 店主的鑰匙,購買了前一個碎片

You like it? It's a recent addition to my collection. Handsome thing, isn't it? Holding it lets you run around quickly and tirelessly, as though you were young again! Or, erm, so I'm told.

400 店主的鑰匙




...ugghh, Oro you oaf.... You wield your nail... like a club... ...Esmy... how much deeper do we have to go... Oh! What?! Who are you?! ...I see. This old village. What a strange dream, to have led me down here! If you hadn't found me, I don't think I would've ever woken. I'm Sly. Usually, I live an uneventful life up in Dirtmouth. The air in these ruins doesn't agree with me, so I'd best be getting back. If you return above, come and see me. I'm probably the friendliest face left there, and I can thank you properly for your good deed.


...Geo. Geo. All the world is Geo. No nail can withstand its might...


Ah, hello! I knew we'd meet again. How do you like my cosy little store? I've made myself pretty comfortable here, selling old trinkets to travellers like yourself. If you're planning a trip below, I've several items that may improve your chance of survival.


I see they've opened that mapping shop across the way. I suppose a little competition is healthy. Perhaps I should start to sell maps as well... or is that a little aggressive? Heh. All's fair in a world made of Geo.


Pockets feeling empty? If you need some more Geo, take a trip into the ruins below us and hunt around. Just take care not to fall into a haze. I won't be coming down to rescue you.


Ah, still looking for something to buy? Are your Geo weighing you down? Unfortunately, you seem to have cleared out everything I'd be willing to part with. Nothing left at all! I think there might be a few old trinkets down in my storeroom, but I lost the key a while ago. So, no more business between us I'm afraid! For now at least. Get out of here and let me spend some quality time with all the Geo you've gifted me. Back again? You know I haven't any stock left, yes? You've cleaned me out. Or were you hoping to sneak a peek at my mountain of Geo? Well it's mine now! And fairly traded.


What do you have there? Why, that's the key to my storeroom! I thought I'd lost it for good. Hmm? Did you find it in those old mines perhaps? Very curious. I've no idea how it ended up in such a remote place. Very honest of you to return it to me, yes. Very kind. And now that I can open my old storeroom up, I can sell you some of the rare stock that's been gathering dust in there. These items may be a little time-worn, but they still retain their full market value. Very precious stuff! Take a look...


I've been hearing about the strangers that have come to town. They're strange indeed from what's been told.What interest does this tired little place hold for them? I'm thinking you may know the answer to that.None of my business of course, but I'd be wary of their deals and promises. Keep your nail half-drawn, if you understand me.





Hmm, you seem a little different. Something has changed in your bearing. Ah! The way you hold your nail! So you've learnt a Nail Art... Very interesting. I wonder, do you have the passion to continue your training?


You've found a new nail, then? It looks like a much finer weapon than the last. Hmm? Oh, this is the same nail... but it's been honed! By someone extremely skilled... A nail is an extension of ourselves, it is the instrument by which we shape the world around us. It's a sacred duty to keep its edges sharp. ...Heh, sorry. I shouldn't ramble on like that. Let's talk Geo instead.


...So, another would join our group. 我要給你一個禮物,武士。我作為店主真是很難把它免費割捨給別的蟲子啊。 但作為偉大的骨釘賢者,我必須承認你的技藝。你已經掌握了我其他學生的所有技能。按照傳統,你也可以獲得這枚勳章。 自豪地把它戴上吧,骨釘大師,以後不會再有蟲子能擁有這種東西了。


Off you go Nailmaster. I've nothing more to give you... Nothing for free at least. I'll be up briefly and eager take your Geo in trade for my precious wares.


How are your travels, Nailmaster? As time goes by, I'm sure you'll only grow stronger. If you see your fellow Nailmasters again, tell them I carry them in my thoughts always. And that they should come and buy something from their old teacher as a mark of respect.







根據 Twitch 直播透露的信息,開發者原本是要把斯萊設計成一個困難的 Boss 。設定中,他使用的骨釘和其他骨釘大師的差不多大。

斯萊如此深藏不露實際上已有過多次暗示。比方說,初次和他相遇時他的第一句話:「Oro, you oaf... you wield your nail... like a club...(官方文本待導入)」就提到了骨釘大師奧羅。他自稱「普通的斯萊」,不過他多次評價過主角的骨釘。

