Hollow Knight Wiki
Zote is a traveller from outside Hallownest who came to the Kingdom to fulfill a promise. This is ultimately revealed to be a promise of glory for himself. He named his nail "Life Ender" because names supposedly have power. Unfortunately, because it is made of shellwood, it cannot deal damage. While he claims to be the strongest warrior in the land, he is found trapped by weak enemies or claiming the glory of another bug's deeds. He regards the Knight as beneath him and accuses them of constantly getting in his way.

Found along the path leading to Greenpath. He is held in the mandibles of a Vengefly King, and the Knight has the choice to either save him or leave him. If saved, he complains that the Knight got in the way between him and his "prey", he introduces himself and boasts about his supposed mighty deeds.

If he is not saved before acquiring the Mantis Claw, he dies in this location, with his nail and shell remaining. Hitting his shell here grants the Neglect achievement.

If he is saved in Greenpath, Zote shows up in Dirtmouth, where he once again talks to the Knight in an arrogant fashion.

Zote can be found in a corridor leading back to the storerooms of the City of Tears. He has forgotten the Knight and introduces himself again.

Found stuck in spider webs, presumably having been captured by the beasts of Deepnest. Once again the Knight has the choice to either save him or leave him, though this time leaving him does not result in his death. If saved, he once again complains about the Knight meddling in his supposed heroics.

If the Knight saves him both times, he is captured and can be found in the resting area of the Colosseum of Fools, where he brags about his skills and how his capture was part of his plan. He then becomes the final boss of the first trial. As a boss, he deals no damage due to his nail being made of shellwood. He simply has to be attacked until the fight is over. He is quite inept in combat and regularly messes up his jumps. Beating him grants the Rivalry achievement.
Needle is the term used to describe the bladed weapon wielded by Hornet. The needle is attached with a thread of silk.
Charms are gorgeous, mystical, one-of-a-kind accessories with a spark of power woven into their cores. Just wearing one is enough to change your life! You'll do things you never thought possible!
Shardmites are enemies in Hollow Knight. Formerly used in Crystal Peak's mining operations, these creatures now wander around on walls, feeding on crystal dust. Crawls up and down on vertical surfaces. Upon approaching it, it sprouts long crystal spikes from its shell. While those spikes are extended, it is invulnerable. By attacking quickly, it can be taken off guard and killed before it sprouts its spikes. It is also possible to Nail-bounce off its spikes by down-slashing. With repeated down-slashing, the Shardmite retracts its spikes briefly before sprouting them again, giving the Knight a chance to get in a hit between spikes while keeping distance.
A white silhouette of The Knight sitting on a bench with a charm on top of them and an arrow pointing towards two charms

Charm equipment tutorial illustration

Charms are a special type of Item in Hollow Knight that provide various bonuses and special abilities. Charms use Notches when equipped and can only be equipped and unequipped while sitting on a Bench.

There are a total of 45 Charms, though only a max of 40 can be kept at one time, as 5 Charms can be replaced with different ones throughout the game:

There are 4,460,494 combinations of charms possible (including the empty set) without exceeding the number of charm notches available and incurring a penalty[1] (see Notches, Overcharmed below).


Charm Notch

Charm Notch icon

Charm Notches are required to equip Charms. Different Charms require a different number of Notches. The Knight starts with 3 Notches. 8 more can be found throughout the game, for a total of 11 Notches.

Picking up a Charm Notch fully restores the Knight's health.

Source Conditions / Requirements Location
1. Sold by Salubra in Forgotten Crossroads for alt=Steel Soul Jinn is a Merchant in Hollow Knight. She only appears in Steel Soul Mode, replacing Confessor Jiji. Jinn resides in the locked cavern by the base of Crystal Peak in Dirtmouth, where she has been sleeping. She has unseen masters who do not seek order. Jinn speaks in rhythm and claims to be too young to tell anything about herself beside her purpose of providing and trading. Her metallic body cannot take damage, although she still reacts to strikes at her. Steel Soul Jinn replaces Jiji in Steel Soul Mode, as the difficulty mode's permanent death makes Jiji's service useless. She is disgusted by Rancid Eggs, but will still buy them for Geo 290-449 each, as a favor to a friend which she claims appreciates them. This is also an excuse for her to get rid of the Geo she accumulated after helping or hurting other creatures, despite not wanting any. Steel Soul Jinn is located on the very east side of Dirtmouth, within a cave that requires a Simple Key to open. The friend she mentions who likes Rancid Eggs is most likely Confessor Jiji, who is willing to offer her services for them. Jinn is one of the few NPCs who can be "hit" with the Nail without taking damage. An upcoming enemy revealed in the Hollow Knight: Silksong trailer bears a striking similarity to Jinn. It is also a companion to Steel Assassin Sharpe furthering some sort of motif of "steel" between the characters. Jinn is mistakenly referred to as male in some translations of the game. 120 Collect 5 Charms
Mapshot HK Salubra 01
2. Sold by Salubra in Forgotten Crossroads for alt=Steel Soul Jinn is a Merchant in Hollow Knight. She only appears in Steel Soul Mode, replacing Confessor Jiji. Jinn resides in the locked cavern by the base of Crystal Peak in Dirtmouth, where she has been sleeping. She has unseen masters who do not seek order. Jinn speaks in rhythm and claims to be too young to tell anything about herself beside her purpose of providing and trading. Her metallic body cannot take damage, although she still reacts to strikes at her. Steel Soul Jinn replaces Jiji in Steel Soul Mode, as the difficulty mode's permanent death makes Jiji's service useless. She is disgusted by Rancid Eggs, but will still buy them for Geo 290-449 each, as a favor to a friend which she claims appreciates them. This is also an excuse for her to get rid of the Geo she accumulated after helping or hurting other creatures, despite not wanting any. Steel Soul Jinn is located on the very east side of Dirtmouth, within a cave that requires a Simple Key to open. The friend she mentions who likes Rancid Eggs is most likely Confessor Jiji, who is willing to offer her services for them. Jinn is one of the few NPCs who can be "hit" with the Nail without taking damage. An upcoming enemy revealed in the Hollow Knight: Silksong trailer bears a striking similarity to Jinn. It is also a companion to Steel Assassin Sharpe furthering some sort of motif of "steel" between the characters. Jinn is mistakenly referred to as male in some translations of the game. 500 Collect 10 Charms
3. Sold by Salubra in Forgotten Crossroads for alt=Steel Soul Jinn is a Merchant in Hollow Knight. She only appears in Steel Soul Mode, replacing Confessor Jiji. Jinn resides in the locked cavern by the base of Crystal Peak in Dirtmouth, where she has been sleeping. She has unseen masters who do not seek order. Jinn speaks in rhythm and claims to be too young to tell anything about herself beside her purpose of providing and trading. Her metallic body cannot take damage, although she still reacts to strikes at her. Steel Soul Jinn replaces Jiji in Steel Soul Mode, as the difficulty mode's permanent death makes Jiji's service useless. She is disgusted by Rancid Eggs, but will still buy them for Geo 290-449 each, as a favor to a friend which she claims appreciates them. This is also an excuse for her to get rid of the Geo she accumulated after helping or hurting other creatures, despite not wanting any. Steel Soul Jinn is located on the very east side of Dirtmouth, within a cave that requires a Simple Key to open. The friend she mentions who likes Rancid Eggs is most likely Confessor Jiji, who is willing to offer her services for them. Jinn is one of the few NPCs who can be "hit" with the Nail without taking damage. An upcoming enemy revealed in the Hollow Knight: Silksong trailer bears a striking similarity to Jinn. It is also a companion to Steel Assassin Sharpe furthering some sort of motif of "steel" between the characters. Jinn is mistakenly referred to as male in some translations of the game. 900 Collect 18 Charms
4. Sold by Salubra in Forgotten Crossroads for alt=Steel Soul Jinn is a Merchant in Hollow Knight. She only appears in Steel Soul Mode, replacing Confessor Jiji. Jinn resides in the locked cavern by the base of Crystal Peak in Dirtmouth, where she has been sleeping. She has unseen masters who do not seek order. Jinn speaks in rhythm and claims to be too young to tell anything about herself beside her purpose of providing and trading. Her metallic body cannot take damage, although she still reacts to strikes at her. Steel Soul Jinn replaces Jiji in Steel Soul Mode, as the difficulty mode's permanent death makes Jiji's service useless. She is disgusted by Rancid Eggs, but will still buy them for Geo 290-449 each, as a favor to a friend which she claims appreciates them. This is also an excuse for her to get rid of the Geo she accumulated after helping or hurting other creatures, despite not wanting any. Steel Soul Jinn is located on the very east side of Dirtmouth, within a cave that requires a Simple Key to open. The friend she mentions who likes Rancid Eggs is most likely Confessor Jiji, who is willing to offer her services for them. Jinn is one of the few NPCs who can be "hit" with the Nail without taking damage. An upcoming enemy revealed in the Hollow Knight: Silksong trailer bears a striking similarity to Jinn. It is also a companion to Steel Assassin Sharpe furthering some sort of motif of "steel" between the characters. Jinn is mistakenly referred to as male in some translations of the game. 1400 Collect 25 Charms
5. Found north-east of Cornifer in Fog Canyon (hidden area) Unlock Isma's Tear or Monarch Wings
Fog notch
6. Found in Fungal Wastes Defeat 2 Shrumal Ogres
Charm1 location
7. Reward in Colosseum of Fools Complete the Trial of the Warrior
Mapshot HK Zote 05
8. In Dirtmouth, inside the tent of the Grimm Troupe content Grimm Troupe Defeat Grimm
Mapshot HK Brumm 01


The Overcharmed status is activated if there are more Charms equipped than the number of Notches can support. While in this state, damage dealt to the Knight from all sources is doubled except for damage taken while invulnerable, such as from spikes. If all Notches are being used, the Overcharmed state cannot be activated. Activating the Overcharmed state for the first time requires 5 attempts. Being Overcharmed is very advantageous for Radiant fights in the Godmaster content Hall of Gods as there is no drawback to doubling what is already a one-hit defeat.

List of Charms

Item Description Notches
Wayward Compass

Wayward Compass
Whispers its location to the bearer whenever a map is open, allowing wanderers to pinpoint their current location. HK Notch
Gathering Swarm

Gathering Swarm
A swarm will follow the bearer and gather up any loose Geo.

Useful for those who can't bear to leave anything behind, no matter how insignificant.

HK Notch
Stalwart Shell

Stalwart Shell
Builds resilience. When recovering from damage, the bearer will remain invulnerable for longer.

Makes it easier to escape from dangerous situations.

HK NotchHK Notch
Soul Catcher

Soul Catcher
Used by shamans to draw more SOUL from the world around them.

Increases the amount of SOUL gained when striking an enemy with the nail.

HK NotchHK Notch
Shaman Stone

Shaman Stone
Said to contain the knowledge of past generations of shaman.

Increases the power of spells, dealing more damage to foes.

HK NotchHK NotchHK Notch
Soul Eater

Soul Eater
Forgotten shaman artifact, used to draw SOUL from still-living creatures.

Greatly increases the amount of SOUL gained when striking an enemy with the nail.

HK NotchHK NotchHK NotchHK Notch

Bears the likeness of an eccentric bug known only as 'The Dashmaster'.

The bearer will be able to dash more often as well as dash downwards. Perfect for those who want to move around as quickly as possible.

HK NotchHK Notch

Grimm Troupe content Sprintmaster
Bears the likeness of a strange bug known only as 'The Sprintmaster'.

Increases the running speed of the bearer, allowing them to avoid danger or overtake rivals.

HK Notch

Contains the gratitude of freed grubs.

Gain SOUL when taking damage.

HK Notch
Grubberfly's Elegy

Grubberfly's Elegy
Contains the gratitude of grubs who will move to the next stage of their lives. Imbues weapons with a holy strength.

When the bearer is at full health, they will fire beams of white-hot energy from their nail.

HK NotchHK NotchHK Notch
Fragile Heart

Fragile Heart
Increases the health of the bearer, allowing them to take more damage.

This charm is fragile, and will break if its bearer is killed.

HK NotchHK Notch
Unbreakable Heart

Grimm Troupe content Unbreakable Heart
Increases the health of the bearer, allowing them to take more damage.

This charm is unbreakable.

HK NotchHK Notch
Fragile Greed

Fragile Greed
Causes the bearer to find more Geo when defeating enemies.

This charm is fragile, and will break if its bearer is killed.

HK NotchHK Notch
Unbreakable Greed

Grimm Troupe content Unbreakable Greed
Causes the bearer to find more Geo when defeating enemies.

This charm is unbreakable.

HK NotchHK Notch
Fragile Strength

Fragile Strength
Strengthens the bearer, increasing the damage they deal to enemies with their nail.

This charm is fragile, and will break if its bearer is killed.

HK NotchHK NotchHK Notch
Unbreakable Strength

Grimm Troupe content Unbreakable Strength
Strengthens the bearer, increasing the damage they deal to enemies with their nail.

This charm is unbreakable.

HK NotchHK NotchHK Notch
Spell Twister

Spell Twister
Reflecting the desires of the Soul Sanctum for mastery over SOUL, it improves the bearer's ability to cast spells.

Reduces the SOUL cost of casting spells.

HK NotchHK Notch
Steady Body

Steady Body
Keeps its bearer from recoiling backwards when they strike an enemy with a nail.

Allows one to stay steady and keep attacking.

HK Notch
Heavy Blow

Heavy Blow
Formed from the nails of fallen warriors.

Increases the force of the bearer's nail, causing enemies to recoil further when hit.

HK NotchHK Notch
Quick Slash

Quick Slash
Born from imperfect, discarded nails that have fused together. The nails still long to be wielded.

Allows the bearer to slash much more rapidly with their nail.

HK NotchHK NotchHK Notch

Increases the range of the bearer's nail, allowing them to strike foes from further away. HK NotchHK Notch
Mark of Pride

Mark of Pride
Freely given by the Mantis Tribe to those they respect.

Greatly increases the range of the bearer's nail, allowing them to strike foes from further away.

HK NotchHK NotchHK Notch
Fury of the Fallen

Fury of the Fallen
Embodies the fury and heroism that comes upon those who are about to die.

When close to death, the bearer's strength will increase.

HK NotchHK Notch
Thorns of Agony

Thorns of Agony
Senses the pain of its bearer and lashes out at the world around them.

When taking damage, sprout thorny vines that damage nearby foes.

HK Notch
Baldur Shell

Baldur Shell
Protects its bearer with a hard shell while focusing SOUL.

The shell is not indestructible and will shatter if it absorbs too much damage.

HK NotchHK Notch

Living charm born in the gut of a Flukemarm.

Transforms the Vengeful Spirit spell into a horde of volatile baby flukes.

HK NotchHK NotchHK Notch
Defender's Crest

Defender's Crest
Unique charm bestowed by the King of Hallownest to his most loyal knight. Scratched and dirty, but still cared for.

Causes the bearer to emit a heroic odour.

HK Notch
Glowing Womb

Glowing Womb
Drains the SOUL of its bearer and uses it to birth hatchlings.

The hatchlings have no desire to eat or live, and will sacrifice themselves to protect their parent.

HK NotchHK Notch
Quick Focus

Quick Focus
A charm containing a crystal lens.

Increases the speed of focusing SOUL, allowing the bearer to heal damage faster.

HK NotchHK NotchHK Notch
Deep Focus

Deep Focus
Naturally formed within a crystal over a long period. Draws in SOUL from the surrounding air.

The bearer will focus SOUL at a slower rate, but the healing effect will double.

HK NotchHK NotchHK NotchHK Notch
Lifeblood Heart

Lifeblood Heart
Contains a living core that seeps precious lifeblood.

When resting, the bearer will gain a coating of lifeblood that protects from a modest amount of damage.

HK NotchHK Notch
Lifeblood Core

Lifeblood Core
Contains a living core that bleeds precious lifeblood.

When resting, the bearer will gain a coating of lifeblood that protects from a large amount of damage.

HK NotchHK NotchHK Notch
Joni's Blessing

Joni's Blessing
Blessed by Joni, the kindly heretic. Transfigures vital fluids into blue lifeblood.

The bearer will have a healthier shell and can take more damage, but they will not be able to heal themselves by focusing SOUL.

HK NotchHK NotchHK NotchHK Notch

Golden nugget of the Hive's precious hardened nectar.

Heals the bearer's wounds over time, allowing them to regain health without focusing SOUL.

HK NotchHK NotchHK NotchHK Notch
Spore Shroom

Spore Shroom
Composed of living fungal matter. Scatters spores when exposed to SOUL.

When focusing SOUL, emit a spore cloud that slowly damages enemies

HK Notch
Sharp Shadow

Sharp Shadow
Contains a forbidden spell that transforms shadows into deadly weapons.

When using Shadow Dash, the bearer's body will sharpen and damage enemies.

HK NotchHK Notch
Shape of Unn

Shape of Unn
Reveals the form of Unn within the bearer.

While focusing SOUL, the bearer will take on a new shape and can move freely to avoid enemies.

HK NotchHK Notch
Nailmaster's Glory

Nailmaster's Glory
Contains the passion, skill and regrets of a Nailmaster.

Increases the bearer's mastery of Nail Arts, allowing them to focus their power faster and unleash arts sooner.

HK Notch

Grimm Troupe content Weaversong
Silken charm containing a song of farewell, left by the Weavers who departed Hallownest for their old home.

Summons weaverlings to give the lonely bearer some companionship and protection.

HK NotchHK Notch
Dream Wielder

Dream Wielder
Transient charm created for those who wield the Dream Nail and collect Essence.

Allows the bearer to charge the Dream Nail faster and collect more SOUL when striking foes.

HK Notch

Grimm Troupe content Dreamshield
Defensive charm once wielded by a tribe that could shape dreams.

Conjures a shield that follows the bearer and attempts to protect them.

HK NotchHK NotchHK Notch

Grimm Troupe content Grimmchild
Worn by those who take part in the Grimm Troupe's Ritual.

The bearer must seek the Grimmkin and collect their flames. Uncollected flames will appear on the bearer's map.

HK NotchHK Notch
Carefree Melody

Grimm Troupe content Carefree Melody
Token commemorating the start of a friendship.

Contains a song of protection that may defend the bearer from damage.

HK NotchHK NotchHK Notch

Holy charm symbolising a union between higher beings. The bearer will slowly absorb the limitless SOUL contained within.

Opens the way to a birthplace.

HK NotchHK NotchHK NotchHK NotchHK Notch
Void Heart

Void Heart
An emptiness that was hidden within, now unconstrained. Unifies the void under the bearer's will.

This charm is a part of its bearer and can not be unequipped.

Hornet is the mysterious princess-protector of Hallownest’s ruins, a major character in Hollow Knight and the playable protagonist of Hollow Knight: Silksong. She wields a Needle and thread with deadly prowess.

Hornet is captured by outsider bugs and brought to their kingdom, Pharloom, but she escapes her cage before arriving at their destination. She then must battle foes and solve mysteries to ascend on a deadly pilgrimage to this kingdom's peak.

Health is represented as Masks, shown in the upper-left corner of the screen. Hornet starts the game with 5 Masks and can obtain more. Health is lost by taking damage, either from enemies or from environmental hazards. Health can be regained by the use of the Bind ability consuming a full Silk spool.

Lifeblood Masks, granted by Lifeblood needles, are temporary masks.

Silk is represented as a spool below the health indicator. Thread is consumed when using special abilities, including a form of Focus named Bind. Striking enemies with the Needle fills the spool by two laces. When the spool is full, the symbol representing the side of the spool left to the health indicator is filled.

The Needle is Hornet's main weapon. Not only can she use it to slash or block attacks against enemies, but also to dash forward, stab, and bounce up above them. She can also use it alongside her abilities to deal greater damage or as a grappling hook.

Tools are special items classed by categories, equipped on a Crest with limited slots. They can be used as throwing weapons or defensive aids without costing Silk. Crests and Tools can be changed when sitting on a Bench similar to Charms.

Abilities consume Silk thread to use them.

Hornet can collect and keep various items throughout her journey, which are stored in her inventory. They can be related to specific quests.

The following areas have no confirmed name, although the names used were mentioned in the official announcement. Other mentioned names include "Bonebottom", "Moss Temple", and "Soaring Warlord's Tower": "Coral Forest", "Gilded City", and "Lake of Fire/Bone Forest".

Garmond and Zaza are two NPCs first revealed in the Hollow Knight: Silksong announcement trailer. They are on a quest to find a new home. Garmond appears to be the rider, while Zaza appears to be mount.

Garmond and Zaza only appear once in the announcement trailer; they are seen during the "New Quests" segment. Within a dark, murky hallway with a visible curved lattice pattern in the background, Hornet is shown leaping over the two as they charge forward through a small group of enemies, while Garmond makes a loud vocalization.

They were later revealed in a blog post, which states that the two are on a quest to find a new home. Garmond is described as being rambunctious and chatty, while Zaza is noted to possibly be "the brains" of the two.

Elder Hu was a travelling sage who sought to purify the borderlands of Hallownest from the Infection. He reached the Mantis Village, but his own Infected mind made him see the Mantis Lords and the Tribe as afflicted by the plague. The Mantises killed him after he attacked them. A memorial was erected in his name above the gates to the City of Tears, his tunic and bead necklace resting on top of it.

The spirit of Elder Hu can be fought at his memorial after acquiring the Dream Nail. Still deluded in his experience with the Mantis Tribe, he warns the Knight. After his defeat, the spirit becomes aware of his madness-driven mistake. He realizes his own death before shattering into 100 Essence to be collected by the Dream Nail.

Elder Hu has two attacks in addition to being able to teleport:

Ring Slam: Elder Hu summons a row of rings in midair, interspersed with several safe gaps, before quickly slamming them all down onto the ground simultaneously.

Ring Curtain: Elder Hu summons pairs of rings that slam down on the ground, beginning from the edges of the arena and moving towards the centre.

Teleport: Elder Hu warps from one area to another to avoid attacks or set up his own.

The ring attacks require very precise movements to dodge as they come out quickly. The Shade Cloak is highly recommended, although not completely necessary. Elder Hu remains in place during the attacks, and his floating pattern is low enough to the ground, where attacking with the Nail is possible. Dodge the rings and get in some hits in between. Eventually, the rhythm of the attacks is easy to follow and the Knight should have no problem timing dashes and attacks.

Alternatively, the Knight can use Shade Cloak to dodge the Ring Slam attack and use Howling Wraiths/Abyss Shriek along with a Spell build (such as Shaman Stone, Spell Twister, Soul Catcher, and Soul Eater) to quickly finish him off.



Ellina is an expanded universe character who appears only within the Hollow Knight Wanderer's Journal- acting as the fictional author of the book. Her book details her experiences within the kingdom of Hallownest and acts as an outside source providing some unique reflections, accounts, and opinions on her findings. Ellina's character beyond her time spent in Hallownest is not explored and is unknown.

A brief summary by the author of the book states the following:

"The book is written from the perspective of Ellina the Chronicler, an "outsider" who is documenting her observations as she travels through Hallownest. She only knows what she's learned from others during her journey, so she doesn't pick up on any deep lore."

In addition, Ellina herself provides a small introduction in her journal:

"Greetings, fellow wanderer, and welcome to Hallownest!" "It would seem you’ve happened upon my journal. This volume contains a record of my observations and musings, transcribed as I travelled into the kingdom’s depths and-through a miracle of either luck or sheer willpower-returned safely to the surface. My travels brought me to Hallownest purely out of curiosity; though I expected to find naught but a desolate ruin down below, what awaited me was quite possibly the adventure of a lifetime. To that end, I’ve chosen to leave my completed journal behind, in hopes that another brave explorer might use it to piece together the myriad of mysteries of this forsaken kingdom."

The contents of the Wanderer's Journal include images and descriptions drawn and written by Ellina detailing a variety of enemies, characters, and environments. The main descriptions are typed out and are accompanied by Ellina's "quotes" - which are written out in a handwriting style font.

Ellina's story and adventure canonically occur at the same time as the events of Hollow Knight; the Knight's quest would have been currently in progress during the time Ellina was writing her journal. Evidence of this includes an account of Bretta first encountered by Ellina stuck in the Fungal Wastes, but later on noted to be in Dirtmouth: implying that Bretta was saved by the Knight as it occurs in the game.

Despite her story happening parallel to the game's events, Ellina never meets or runs into the Knight in person during her exploration of Hallownest. The closest instance Ellina comes to encountering the Knight underground is only through noticing the painting of the Knight by Nailmaster Sheo.

However, at the very end of the novel, when Ellina plans to leave the kingdom, she does catch a glimpse of the Knight as she's returning to the surface.
Achievement Charmed Charmed
Acquire your first Charm.
Ellina is an expanded universe character who appears only within the Hollow Knight Wanderer's Journal- acting as the fictional author of the book. Her book details her experiences within the kingdom of Hallownest and acts as an outside source providing some unique reflections, accounts, and opinions on her findings. Ellina's character beyond her time spent in Hallownest is not explored and is unknown.

A brief summary by the author of the book states the following:

"The book is written from the perspective of Ellina the Chronicler, an "outsider" who is documenting her observations as she travels through Hallownest. She only knows what she's learned from others during her journey, so she doesn't pick up on any deep lore."

In addition, Ellina herself provides a small introduction in her journal:

"Greetings, fellow wanderer, and welcome to Hallownest!" "It would seem you’ve happened upon my journal. This volume contains a record of my observations and musings, transcribed as I travelled into the kingdom’s depths and-through a miracle of either luck or sheer willpower-returned safely to the surface. My travels brought me to Hallownest purely out of curiosity; though I expected to find naught but a desolate ruin down below, what awaited me was quite possibly the adventure of a lifetime. To that end, I’ve chosen to leave my completed journal behind, in hopes that another brave explorer might use it to piece together the myriad of mysteries of this forsaken kingdom."

The contents of the Wanderer's Journal include images and descriptions drawn and written by Ellina detailing a variety of enemies, characters, and environments. The main descriptions are typed out and are accompanied by Ellina's "quotes" - which are written out in a handwriting style font.

Ellina's story and adventure canonically occur at the same time as the events of Hollow Knight; the Knight's quest would have been currently in progress during the time Ellina was writing her journal. Evidence of this includes an account of Bretta first encountered by Ellina stuck in the Fungal Wastes, but later on noted to be in Dirtmouth: implying that Bretta was saved by the Knight as it occurs in the game.

Despite her story happening parallel to the game's events, Ellina never meets or runs into the Knight in person during her exploration of Hallownest. The closest instance Ellina comes to encountering the Knight underground is only through noticing the painting of the Knight by Nailmaster Sheo.

However, at the very end of the novel, when Ellina plans to leave the kingdom, she does catch a glimpse of the Knight as she's returning to the surface.
Achievement Enchanted Enchanted
Acquire half of Hallownest's Charms.
Ellina is an expanded universe character who appears only within the Hollow Knight Wanderer's Journal- acting as the fictional author of the book. Her book details her experiences within the kingdom of Hallownest and acts as an outside source providing some unique reflections, accounts, and opinions on her findings. Ellina's character beyond her time spent in Hallownest is not explored and is unknown.

A brief summary by the author of the book states the following:

"The book is written from the perspective of Ellina the Chronicler, an "outsider" who is documenting her observations as she travels through Hallownest. She only knows what she's learned from others during her journey, so she doesn't pick up on any deep lore."

In addition, Ellina herself provides a small introduction in her journal:

"Greetings, fellow wanderer, and welcome to Hallownest!" "It would seem you’ve happened upon my journal. This volume contains a record of my observations and musings, transcribed as I travelled into the kingdom’s depths and-through a miracle of either luck or sheer willpower-returned safely to the surface. My travels brought me to Hallownest purely out of curiosity; though I expected to find naught but a desolate ruin down below, what awaited me was quite possibly the adventure of a lifetime. To that end, I’ve chosen to leave my completed journal behind, in hopes that another brave explorer might use it to piece together the myriad of mysteries of this forsaken kingdom."

The contents of the Wanderer's Journal include images and descriptions drawn and written by Ellina detailing a variety of enemies, characters, and environments. The main descriptions are typed out and are accompanied by Ellina's "quotes" - which are written out in a handwriting style font.

Ellina's story and adventure canonically occur at the same time as the events of Hollow Knight; the Knight's quest would have been currently in progress during the time Ellina was writing her journal. Evidence of this includes an account of Bretta first encountered by Ellina stuck in the Fungal Wastes, but later on noted to be in Dirtmouth: implying that Bretta was saved by the Knight as it occurs in the game.

Despite her story happening parallel to the game's events, Ellina never meets or runs into the Knight in person during her exploration of Hallownest. The closest instance Ellina comes to encountering the Knight underground is only through noticing the painting of the Knight by Nailmaster Sheo.

However, at the very end of the novel, when Ellina plans to leave the kingdom, she does catch a glimpse of the Knight as she's returning to the surface.
Achievement Blessed Blessed
Acquire all Charms and receive Salubra's Blessing.


  • The Charms system was inspired by the badges from Paper Mario.[2] Just like Charms, badges have a variety of effects when equipped, such as increased stats, new abilities, or new moves.[3]
Zote is a traveller from outside Hallownest who came to the Kingdom to fulfill a promise. This is ultimately revealed to be a promise of glory for himself. He named his nail "Life Ender" because names supposedly have power. Unfortunately, because it is made of shellwood, it cannot deal damage. While he claims to be the strongest warrior in the land, he is found trapped by weak enemies or claiming the glory of another bug's deeds. He regards the Knight as beneath him and accuses them of constantly getting in his way.

Found along the path leading to Greenpath. He is held in the mandibles of a Vengefly King, and the Knight has the choice to either save him or leave him. If saved, he complains that the Knight got in the way between him and his "prey", he introduces himself and boasts about his supposed mighty deeds.

If he is not saved before acquiring the Mantis Claw, he dies in this location, with his nail and shell remaining. Hitting his shell here grants the Neglect achievement.

If he is saved in Greenpath, Zote shows up in Dirtmouth, where he once again talks to the Knight in an arrogant fashion.

Zote can be found in a corridor leading back to the storerooms of the City of Tears. He has forgotten the Knight and introduces himself again.

Found stuck in spider webs, presumably having been captured by the beasts of Deepnest. Once again the Knight has the choice to either save him or leave him, though this time leaving him does not result in his death. If saved, he once again complains about the Knight meddling in his supposed heroics.

If the Knight saves him both times, he is captured and can be found in the resting area of the Colosseum of Fools, where he brags about his skills and how his capture was part of his plan. He then becomes the final boss of the first trial. As a boss, he deals no damage due to his nail being made of shellwood. He simply has to be attacked until the fight is over. He is quite inept in combat and regularly messes up his jumps. Beating him grants the Rivalry achievement.
Needle is the term used to describe the bladed weapon wielded by Hornet. The needle is attached with a thread of silk.
Mighty Hegemol... What a towering figure he was, though surprisingly soft spoken for one so large. They were all impressive in their own right, of course. Fierce Dryya, kindly Isma, mysterious Ze'mer ... erm, and the other one.
Shardmites are enemies in Hollow Knight. Formerly used in Crystal Peak's mining operations, these creatures now wander around on walls, feeding on crystal dust. Crawls up and down on vertical surfaces. Upon approaching it, it sprouts long crystal spikes from its shell. While those spikes are extended, it is invulnerable. By attacking quickly, it can be taken off guard and killed before it sprouts its spikes. It is also possible to Nail-bounce off its spikes by down-slashing. With repeated down-slashing, the Shardmite retracts its spikes briefly before sprouting them again, giving the Knight a chance to get in a hit between spikes while keeping distance.

The Five Great Knights of Hallownest once stood beneath the throne as the kingdom's protectors. They are revered figures who are often mentioned in historical records but only as a group. Information on the individual Great Knights is sparse, with Relic Seeker Lemm noting that their names and appearance seem to have been erased from history.

The Five Great Knights are:

By the time the Knight returns to Hallownest, three of the Great Knights have either died or disappeared. Only Ogrim and Ze'mer are known to be alive.

The Great Knights are depicted in Ogrim's cave below his boss arena as statues made of dung:

Five Great Knights Dung Statues
From left to right: Ze'mer, Dryya, Isma, Hegemol, and Ogrim

The silhouettes of four of them can be seen in the arena of Hidden Dreams content White Defender:

Five Great Knights Silhouettes
From left to right: Ze'mer, Dryya, Isma, and Hegemol


Grey Mourner2

Located in the Resting Grounds where she is known as the "Grey Mourner", Ze'mer is the only remaining Great Knight besides Ogrim. Sheo refers to her as "mysterious Ze'mer". She is not native to Hallownest, originating from "lands serene", a location from which she also brought Delicate Flowers. There is not much known about Ze'mer when she was a Great Knight, but Ogrim remarks on how she told stories.

After her Mantis lover died, Ze'mer turned to mourning and retreated to her house in the Resting Grounds. She dissipates after the Knight delivers the Delicate Flower to the grave of her lover.


White Knight Dead

Dryya had a hard front, and Nailmaster Sheo refers to her as "Fierce Dryya", although she is noted to have been a caring type. Ogrim mentions that he misses her wisdom. She was tasked with standing guard over the White Lady in the Queen's Gardens.

After defeating numerous Mantis Traitors, evidenced by the pile of their corpses aside Dryya's own, they eventually overwhelmed her. The White Lady is not aware of Dryya's death.

Dream Nail Dialogue Essence

  • Protect...



Referred to as "kindly Isma" by Nailmaster Sheo, there is little known about Isma, but her strength seemed to surpass that of Ogrim's, and her nature seemed to be kind and understanding. Ogrim and Isma had a very close relationship, even more so since he seems to be protecting her grove specifically. Isma’s powers and capabilities are not specifically stated but seem to have some relation to acid, as her tear or "blessing" grants acid immunity. Her grove is referred to as the "source of acid blight."

She can be found within the Royal Waterways, in Isma’s Grove. She appears to be dead and her body can be seen attached to a wall by plant growth; making the cause of her death the most questionable.

Dream Nail Dialogue Essence

  • ...Ogrim... there's no time...


False Knight Statue

Hegemol is the only Great Knight whose whereabouts are largely unknown. He was the favourite Great Knight of Nailmaster Sheo, who calls him "Mighty Hegemol". He was a towering figure but soft spoken, which was surprising for somebody of his stature. Ogrim mentions that he misses Hegemol's humour.

A statue of Hegemol can be found outside the City of Tears, requiring the City Crest to open the gate to the city.

While Hegemol was sleeping, his armoured shell was stolen by a Maggot who wanted to defend his siblings. It is unknown whether Hegemol is alive after this or if he was murdered by the maggot. While the False Knight who stole his shell wields a mace with an armoured bug attached to the end, Hegemol himself is always shown without any weapon.



The most loyal of the Five Great Knights, Ogrim is found in the Royal Waterways where he is known as "Dung Defender". He hopes to meet the other Great Knights again and see Hallownest be reborn. Although he misses Isma in particular, he is not able to visit her grove due to his duties and an oath that he swore. Due to this, he seems to be unaware of Isma's fate and the fate of the other Great Knights.

When he is defeated five times in his dreams as Hidden Dreams content White Defender, Ogrim wonders if the line of Hallownest's Great Knights ends with him or whether it can be passed on, mentioning that he can easily imagine the Knight standing amongst the greatest heroes of the age. Ogrim disappears after this encounter, leaving behind a statue of the Knight made of dung.

The Love Key is an Item in Hollow Knight.


Opens the door inside the Tower of Love where the Collector can be fought.

Hornet is the mysterious princess-protector of Hallownest’s ruins, a major character in Hollow Knight and the playable protagonist of Hollow Knight: Silksong. She wields a Needle and thread with deadly prowess.

Hornet is captured by outsider bugs and brought to their kingdom, Pharloom, but she escapes her cage before arriving at their destination. She then must battle foes and solve mysteries to ascend on a deadly pilgrimage to this kingdom's peak.

Health is represented as Masks, shown in the upper-left corner of the screen. Hornet starts the game with 5 Masks and can obtain more. Health is lost by taking damage, either from enemies or from environmental hazards. Health can be regained by the use of the Bind ability consuming a full Silk spool.

Lifeblood Masks, granted by Lifeblood needles, are temporary masks.

Silk is represented as a spool below the health indicator. Thread is consumed when using special abilities, including a form of Focus named Bind. Striking enemies with the Needle fills the spool by two laces. When the spool is full, the symbol representing the side of the spool left to the health indicator is filled.

The Needle is Hornet's main weapon. Not only can she use it to slash or block attacks against enemies, but also to dash forward, stab, and bounce up above them. She can also use it alongside her abilities to deal greater damage or as a grappling hook.

Tools are special items classed by categories, equipped on a Crest with limited slots. They can be used as throwing weapons or defensive aids without costing Silk. Crests and Tools can be changed when sitting on a Bench similar to Charms.

Abilities consume Silk thread to use them.

Hornet can collect and keep various items throughout her journey, which are stored in her inventory. They can be related to specific quests.

The following areas have no confirmed name, although the names used were mentioned in the official announcement. Other mentioned names include "Bonebottom", "Moss Temple", and "Soaring Warlord's Tower": "Coral Forest", "Gilded City", and "Lake of Fire/Bone Forest".

Garmond and Zaza are two NPCs first revealed in the Hollow Knight: Silksong announcement trailer. They are on a quest to find a new home. Garmond appears to be the rider, while Zaza appears to be mount.

Garmond and Zaza only appear once in the announcement trailer; they are seen during the "New Quests" segment. Within a dark, murky hallway with a visible curved lattice pattern in the background, Hornet is shown leaping over the two as they charge forward through a small group of enemies, while Garmond makes a loud vocalization.

They were later revealed in a blog post, which states that the two are on a quest to find a new home. Garmond is described as being rambunctious and chatty, while Zaza is noted to possibly be "the brains" of the two.

Elder Hu was a travelling sage who sought to purify the borderlands of Hallownest from the Infection. He reached the Mantis Village, but his own Infected mind made him see the Mantis Lords and the Tribe as afflicted by the plague. The Mantises killed him after he attacked them. A memorial was erected in his name above the gates to the City of Tears, his tunic and bead necklace resting on top of it.

The spirit of Elder Hu can be fought at his memorial after acquiring the Dream Nail. Still deluded in his experience with the Mantis Tribe, he warns the Knight. After his defeat, the spirit becomes aware of his madness-driven mistake. He realizes his own death before shattering into 100 Essence to be collected by the Dream Nail.

Elder Hu has two attacks in addition to being able to teleport:

Ring Slam: Elder Hu summons a row of rings in midair, interspersed with several safe gaps, before quickly slamming them all down onto the ground simultaneously.

Ring Curtain: Elder Hu summons pairs of rings that slam down on the ground, beginning from the edges of the arena and moving towards the centre.

Teleport: Elder Hu warps from one area to another to avoid attacks or set up his own.

The ring attacks require very precise movements to dodge as they come out quickly. The Shade Cloak is highly recommended, although not completely necessary. Elder Hu remains in place during the attacks, and his floating pattern is low enough to the ground, where attacking with the Nail is possible. Dodge the rings and get in some hits in between. Eventually, the rhythm of the attacks is easy to follow and the Knight should have no problem timing dashes and attacks.

Alternatively, the Knight can use Shade Cloak to dodge the Ring Slam attack and use Howling Wraiths/Abyss Shriek along with a Spell build (such as Shaman Stone, Spell Twister, Soul Catcher, and Soul Eater) to quickly finish him off.

How to Acquire

Found on a corpse in the southeast of the Queen's Gardens above the path to the Fungal Wastes. Retrieving the key requires Isma's Tear.

Hornet is the mysterious princess-protector of Hallownest’s ruins, a major character in Hollow Knight and the playable protagonist of Hollow Knight: Silksong. She wields a Needle and thread with deadly prowess.

Hornet is captured by outsider bugs and brought to their kingdom, Pharloom, but she escapes her cage before arriving at their destination. She then must battle foes and solve mysteries to ascend on a deadly pilgrimage to this kingdom's peak.

Health is represented as Masks, shown in the upper-left corner of the screen. Hornet starts the game with 5 Masks and can obtain more. Health is lost by taking damage, either from enemies or from environmental hazards. Health can be regained by the use of the Bind ability consuming a full Silk spool.

Lifeblood Masks, granted by Lifeblood needles, are temporary masks.

Silk is represented as a spool below the health indicator. Thread is consumed when using special abilities, including a form of Focus named Bind. Striking enemies with the Needle fills the spool by two laces. When the spool is full, the symbol representing the side of the spool left to the health indicator is filled.

The Needle is Hornet's main weapon. Not only can she use it to slash or block attacks against enemies, but also to dash forward, stab, and bounce up above them. She can also use it alongside her abilities to deal greater damage or as a grappling hook.

Tools are special items classed by categories, equipped on a Crest with limited slots. They can be used as throwing weapons or defensive aids without costing Silk. Crests and Tools can be changed when sitting on a Bench similar to Charms.

Abilities consume Silk thread to use them.

Hornet can collect and keep various items throughout her journey, which are stored in her inventory. They can be related to specific quests.

The following areas have no confirmed name, although the names used were mentioned in the official announcement. Other mentioned names include "Bonebottom", "Moss Temple", and "Soaring Warlord's Tower": "Coral Forest", "Gilded City", and "Lake of Fire/Bone Forest".

Garmond and Zaza are two NPCs first revealed in the Hollow Knight: Silksong announcement trailer. They are on a quest to find a new home. Garmond appears to be the rider, while Zaza appears to be mount.

Garmond and Zaza only appear once in the announcement trailer; they are seen during the "New Quests" segment. Within a dark, murky hallway with a visible curved lattice pattern in the background, Hornet is shown leaping over the two as they charge forward through a small group of enemies, while Garmond makes a loud vocalization.

They were later revealed in a blog post, which states that the two are on a quest to find a new home. Garmond is described as being rambunctious and chatty, while Zaza is noted to possibly be "the brains" of the two.

Elder Hu was a travelling sage who sought to purify the borderlands of Hallownest from the Infection. He reached the Mantis Village, but his own Infected mind made him see the Mantis Lords and the Tribe as afflicted by the plague. The Mantises killed him after he attacked them. A memorial was erected in his name above the gates to the City of Tears, his tunic and bead necklace resting on top of it.

The spirit of Elder Hu can be fought at his memorial after acquiring the Dream Nail. Still deluded in his experience with the Mantis Tribe, he warns the Knight. After his defeat, the spirit becomes aware of his madness-driven mistake. He realizes his own death before shattering into 100 Essence to be collected by the Dream Nail.

Elder Hu has two attacks in addition to being able to teleport:

Ring Slam: Elder Hu summons a row of rings in midair, interspersed with several safe gaps, before quickly slamming them all down onto the ground simultaneously.

Ring Curtain: Elder Hu summons pairs of rings that slam down on the ground, beginning from the edges of the arena and moving towards the centre.

Teleport: Elder Hu warps from one area to another to avoid attacks or set up his own.

The ring attacks require very precise movements to dodge as they come out quickly. The Shade Cloak is highly recommended, although not completely necessary. Elder Hu remains in place during the attacks, and his floating pattern is low enough to the ground, where attacking with the Nail is possible. Dodge the rings and get in some hits in between. Eventually, the rhythm of the attacks is easy to follow and the Knight should have no problem timing dashes and attacks.

Alternatively, the Knight can use Shade Cloak to dodge the Ring Slam attack and use Howling Wraiths/Abyss Shriek along with a Spell build (such as Shaman Stone, Spell Twister, Soul Catcher, and Soul Eater) to quickly finish him off.


"Too long... spent together. We become as one..."
Hornet is the mysterious princess-protector of Hallownest’s ruins, a major character in Hollow Knight and the playable protagonist of Hollow Knight: Silksong. She wields a Needle and thread with deadly prowess.

Hornet is captured by outsider bugs and brought to their kingdom, Pharloom, but she escapes her cage before arriving at their destination. She then must battle foes and solve mysteries to ascend on a deadly pilgrimage to this kingdom's peak.

Health is represented as Masks, shown in the upper-left corner of the screen. Hornet starts the game with 5 Masks and can obtain more. Health is lost by taking damage, either from enemies or from environmental hazards. Health can be regained by the use of the Bind ability consuming a full Silk spool.

Lifeblood Masks, granted by Lifeblood needles, are temporary masks.

Silk is represented as a spool below the health indicator. Thread is consumed when using special abilities, including a form of Focus named Bind. Striking enemies with the Needle fills the spool by two laces. When the spool is full, the symbol representing the side of the spool left to the health indicator is filled.

The Needle is Hornet's main weapon. Not only can she use it to slash or block attacks against enemies, but also to dash forward, stab, and bounce up above them. She can also use it alongside her abilities to deal greater damage or as a grappling hook.

Tools are special items classed by categories, equipped on a Crest with limited slots. They can be used as throwing weapons or defensive aids without costing Silk. Crests and Tools can be changed when sitting on a Bench similar to Charms.

Abilities consume Silk thread to use them.

Hornet can collect and keep various items throughout her journey, which are stored in her inventory. They can be related to specific quests.

The following areas have no confirmed name, although the names used were mentioned in the official announcement. Other mentioned names include "Bonebottom", "Moss Temple", and "Soaring Warlord's Tower": "Coral Forest", "Gilded City", and "Lake of Fire/Bone Forest".

Garmond and Zaza are two NPCs first revealed in the Hollow Knight: Silksong announcement trailer. They are on a quest to find a new home. Garmond appears to be the rider, while Zaza appears to be mount.

Garmond and Zaza only appear once in the announcement trailer; they are seen during the "New Quests" segment. Within a dark, murky hallway with a visible curved lattice pattern in the background, Hornet is shown leaping over the two as they charge forward through a small group of enemies, while Garmond makes a loud vocalization.

They were later revealed in a blog post, which states that the two are on a quest to find a new home. Garmond is described as being rambunctious and chatty, while Zaza is noted to possibly be "the brains" of the two.

Elder Hu was a travelling sage who sought to purify the borderlands of Hallownest from the Infection. He reached the Mantis Village, but his own Infected mind made him see the Mantis Lords and the Tribe as afflicted by the plague. The Mantises killed him after he attacked them. A memorial was erected in his name above the gates to the City of Tears, his tunic and bead necklace resting on top of it.

The spirit of Elder Hu can be fought at his memorial after acquiring the Dream Nail. Still deluded in his experience with the Mantis Tribe, he warns the Knight. After his defeat, the spirit becomes aware of his madness-driven mistake. He realizes his own death before shattering into 100 Essence to be collected by the Dream Nail.

Elder Hu has two attacks in addition to being able to teleport:

Ring Slam: Elder Hu summons a row of rings in midair, interspersed with several safe gaps, before quickly slamming them all down onto the ground simultaneously.

Ring Curtain: Elder Hu summons pairs of rings that slam down on the ground, beginning from the edges of the arena and moving towards the centre.

Teleport: Elder Hu warps from one area to another to avoid attacks or set up his own.

The ring attacks require very precise movements to dodge as they come out quickly. The Shade Cloak is highly recommended, although not completely necessary. Elder Hu remains in place during the attacks, and his floating pattern is low enough to the ground, where attacking with the Nail is possible. Dodge the rings and get in some hits in between. Eventually, the rhythm of the attacks is easy to follow and the Knight should have no problem timing dashes and attacks.

Alternatively, the Knight can use Shade Cloak to dodge the Ring Slam attack and use Howling Wraiths/Abyss Shriek along with a Spell build (such as Shaman Stone, Spell Twister, Soul Catcher, and Soul Eater) to quickly finish him off.



White Knight

Dryya promotional art

  • A fight with Dryya was planned early in development but was later cut. A Kickstarter update described her as:
"One of Hallownest's five greatest Knights and defender of the Queen’s Glade. She was driven mad by her Queen lost and the garden overrun. Still she retains her honour, offering fair challenge to the Hollow Knight: Nail against nail. A duel to the death."
  • Ogrim was revealed as a boss in a Kickstarter update with a different backstory:
"Deep in the Waterways beneath the City of Tears lurks a shunned being. Once a knight, now lost to puerile obsession: The Dung Defender. Despite his exile, the Dung Defender has for centuries maintained a self-conferred charge: the protection of his mysterious gleaming 'beloved.' Stalwart and full of bravado, the Dung defender eagerly challenges all who would enter his noxious realm."
  • In early development, Herrah the Beast was named Hegemol. This was later changed to her current name.

The Love Key is an Item in Hollow Knight.


Opens the door inside the Tower of Love where the Collector can be fought.

Hornet is the mysterious princess-protector of Hallownest’s ruins, a major character in Hollow Knight and the playable protagonist of Hollow Knight: Silksong. She wields a Needle and thread with deadly prowess.

Hornet is captured by outsider bugs and brought to their kingdom, Pharloom, but she escapes her cage before arriving at their destination. She then must battle foes and solve mysteries to ascend on a deadly pilgrimage to this kingdom's peak.

Health is represented as Masks, shown in the upper-left corner of the screen. Hornet starts the game with 5 Masks and can obtain more. Health is lost by taking damage, either from enemies or from environmental hazards. Health can be regained by the use of the Bind ability consuming a full Silk spool.

Lifeblood Masks, granted by Lifeblood needles, are temporary masks.

Silk is represented as a spool below the health indicator. Thread is consumed when using special abilities, including a form of Focus named Bind. Striking enemies with the Needle fills the spool by two laces. When the spool is full, the symbol representing the side of the spool left to the health indicator is filled.

The Needle is Hornet's main weapon. Not only can she use it to slash or block attacks against enemies, but also to dash forward, stab, and bounce up above them. She can also use it alongside her abilities to deal greater damage or as a grappling hook.

Tools are special items classed by categories, equipped on a Crest with limited slots. They can be used as throwing weapons or defensive aids without costing Silk. Crests and Tools can be changed when sitting on a Bench similar to Charms.

Abilities consume Silk thread to use them.

Hornet can collect and keep various items throughout her journey, which are stored in her inventory. They can be related to specific quests.

The following areas have no confirmed name, although the names used were mentioned in the official announcement. Other mentioned names include "Bonebottom", "Moss Temple", and "Soaring Warlord's Tower": "Coral Forest", "Gilded City", and "Lake of Fire/Bone Forest".

Garmond and Zaza are two NPCs first revealed in the Hollow Knight: Silksong announcement trailer. They are on a quest to find a new home. Garmond appears to be the rider, while Zaza appears to be mount.

Garmond and Zaza only appear once in the announcement trailer; they are seen during the "New Quests" segment. Within a dark, murky hallway with a visible curved lattice pattern in the background, Hornet is shown leaping over the two as they charge forward through a small group of enemies, while Garmond makes a loud vocalization.

They were later revealed in a blog post, which states that the two are on a quest to find a new home. Garmond is described as being rambunctious and chatty, while Zaza is noted to possibly be "the brains" of the two.

Elder Hu was a travelling sage who sought to purify the borderlands of Hallownest from the Infection. He reached the Mantis Village, but his own Infected mind made him see the Mantis Lords and the Tribe as afflicted by the plague. The Mantises killed him after he attacked them. A memorial was erected in his name above the gates to the City of Tears, his tunic and bead necklace resting on top of it.

The spirit of Elder Hu can be fought at his memorial after acquiring the Dream Nail. Still deluded in his experience with the Mantis Tribe, he warns the Knight. After his defeat, the spirit becomes aware of his madness-driven mistake. He realizes his own death before shattering into 100 Essence to be collected by the Dream Nail.

Elder Hu has two attacks in addition to being able to teleport:

Ring Slam: Elder Hu summons a row of rings in midair, interspersed with several safe gaps, before quickly slamming them all down onto the ground simultaneously.

Ring Curtain: Elder Hu summons pairs of rings that slam down on the ground, beginning from the edges of the arena and moving towards the centre.

Teleport: Elder Hu warps from one area to another to avoid attacks or set up his own.

The ring attacks require very precise movements to dodge as they come out quickly. The Shade Cloak is highly recommended, although not completely necessary. Elder Hu remains in place during the attacks, and his floating pattern is low enough to the ground, where attacking with the Nail is possible. Dodge the rings and get in some hits in between. Eventually, the rhythm of the attacks is easy to follow and the Knight should have no problem timing dashes and attacks.

Alternatively, the Knight can use Shade Cloak to dodge the Ring Slam attack and use Howling Wraiths/Abyss Shriek along with a Spell build (such as Shaman Stone, Spell Twister, Soul Catcher, and Soul Eater) to quickly finish him off.

How to Acquire

Found on a corpse in the southeast of the Queen's Gardens above the path to the Fungal Wastes. Retrieving the key requires Isma's Tear.

Hornet is the mysterious princess-protector of Hallownest’s ruins, a major character in Hollow Knight and the playable protagonist of Hollow Knight: Silksong. She wields a Needle and thread with deadly prowess.

Hornet is captured by outsider bugs and brought to their kingdom, Pharloom, but she escapes her cage before arriving at their destination. She then must battle foes and solve mysteries to ascend on a deadly pilgrimage to this kingdom's peak.

Health is represented as Masks, shown in the upper-left corner of the screen. Hornet starts the game with 5 Masks and can obtain more. Health is lost by taking damage, either from enemies or from environmental hazards. Health can be regained by the use of the Bind ability consuming a full Silk spool.

Lifeblood Masks, granted by Lifeblood needles, are temporary masks.

Silk is represented as a spool below the health indicator. Thread is consumed when using special abilities, including a form of Focus named Bind. Striking enemies with the Needle fills the spool by two laces. When the spool is full, the symbol representing the side of the spool left to the health indicator is filled.

The Needle is Hornet's main weapon. Not only can she use it to slash or block attacks against enemies, but also to dash forward, stab, and bounce up above them. She can also use it alongside her abilities to deal greater damage or as a grappling hook.

Tools are special items classed by categories, equipped on a Crest with limited slots. They can be used as throwing weapons or defensive aids without costing Silk. Crests and Tools can be changed when sitting on a Bench similar to Charms.

Abilities consume Silk thread to use them.

Hornet can collect and keep various items throughout her journey, which are stored in her inventory. They can be related to specific quests.

The following areas have no confirmed name, although the names used were mentioned in the official announcement. Other mentioned names include "Bonebottom", "Moss Temple", and "Soaring Warlord's Tower": "Coral Forest", "Gilded City", and "Lake of Fire/Bone Forest".

Garmond and Zaza are two NPCs first revealed in the Hollow Knight: Silksong announcement trailer. They are on a quest to find a new home. Garmond appears to be the rider, while Zaza appears to be mount.

Garmond and Zaza only appear once in the announcement trailer; they are seen during the "New Quests" segment. Within a dark, murky hallway with a visible curved lattice pattern in the background, Hornet is shown leaping over the two as they charge forward through a small group of enemies, while Garmond makes a loud vocalization.

They were later revealed in a blog post, which states that the two are on a quest to find a new home. Garmond is described as being rambunctious and chatty, while Zaza is noted to possibly be "the brains" of the two.

Elder Hu was a travelling sage who sought to purify the borderlands of Hallownest from the Infection. He reached the Mantis Village, but his own Infected mind made him see the Mantis Lords and the Tribe as afflicted by the plague. The Mantises killed him after he attacked them. A memorial was erected in his name above the gates to the City of Tears, his tunic and bead necklace resting on top of it.

The spirit of Elder Hu can be fought at his memorial after acquiring the Dream Nail. Still deluded in his experience with the Mantis Tribe, he warns the Knight. After his defeat, the spirit becomes aware of his madness-driven mistake. He realizes his own death before shattering into 100 Essence to be collected by the Dream Nail.

Elder Hu has two attacks in addition to being able to teleport:

Ring Slam: Elder Hu summons a row of rings in midair, interspersed with several safe gaps, before quickly slamming them all down onto the ground simultaneously.

Ring Curtain: Elder Hu summons pairs of rings that slam down on the ground, beginning from the edges of the arena and moving towards the centre.

Teleport: Elder Hu warps from one area to another to avoid attacks or set up his own.

The ring attacks require very precise movements to dodge as they come out quickly. The Shade Cloak is highly recommended, although not completely necessary. Elder Hu remains in place during the attacks, and his floating pattern is low enough to the ground, where attacking with the Nail is possible. Dodge the rings and get in some hits in between. Eventually, the rhythm of the attacks is easy to follow and the Knight should have no problem timing dashes and attacks.

Alternatively, the Knight can use Shade Cloak to dodge the Ring Slam attack and use Howling Wraiths/Abyss Shriek along with a Spell build (such as Shaman Stone, Spell Twister, Soul Catcher, and Soul Eater) to quickly finish him off.


"Too long... spent together. We become as one..."


All items (46)
