Hollow Knight Wiki

Force fragile est un Charme dans Hollow Knight. Il augmente les dégâts de l'Aiguillon de 50%.


Force fragile n'affecte pas les dommages causés par les Arts de l'Aiguillon ou les Charmes Ombre Tranchante, Bouclier éthéré, et Épines d'agonie .

Il s'agit d'un charme extrêmement puissant. Il fournit en permanence un avantage similaire à Fureur des disparus sans avoir besoin d'être à un Masque, et ne coûtant qu'un seul Emplacement de Charmes de plus. Une combinaison de Fureur des disparus et Force fragile augmente les dégâts de 162.5% quand le Chevalier est à un Masque.

L'inconvénient est qu'une fois cassé, Mangepatte ne le répare que moyennant un prix. En fin de partie, le coût n'est peut-être pas un problème, mais le voyage chez Mangepatte peut l'être.

Ce Charme est assez puissant, bien qu'il se brise à la mort. Une des façon d'utiliser le Charme est de ne l'utiliser que dans des situations où la mort est improbable, comme l'exploration, ou en tandem avec des Charmes augmentant la survivabilité, tout en évitant de l'utiliser dans les combats de boss, sauf dans le cas des combats des Boss de Rêve et ceux de la Godmaster Icon Maison des Dieux (car le charme ne se brise pas lorsque l'on meurt contre ces boss).

Enfin, son inconvénient est annulé dans les parties Mode Âme d'Acier comme la partie est terminée à la mort dans tous les cas , ce qui fait de Force fragile l'un des charmes les plus puissants et les plus utiles dans une partie âme d'acier.


Acheté auprès de Mangepatte dans la Caverne Nocive pour alt=Steel Soul Jinn is a Merchant in Hollow Knight. She only appears in Steel Soul Mode, replacing Confessor Jiji. Jinn resides in the locked cavern by the base of Crystal Peak in Dirtmouth, where she has been sleeping. She has unseen masters who do not seek order. Jinn speaks in rhythm and claims to be too young to tell anything about herself beside her purpose of providing and trading. Her metallic body cannot take damage, although she still reacts to strikes at her. Steel Soul Jinn replaces Jiji in Steel Soul Mode, as the difficulty mode's permanent death makes Jiji's service useless. She is disgusted by Rancid Eggs, but will still buy them for Geo 290-449 each, as a favor to a friend which she claims appreciates them. This is also an excuse for her to get rid of the Geo she accumulated after helping or hurting other creatures, despite not wanting any. Steel Soul Jinn is located on the very east side of Dirtmouth, within a cave that requires a Simple Key to open. The friend she mentions who likes Rancid Eggs is most likely Confessor Jiji, who is willing to offer her services for them. Jinn is one of the few NPCs who can be "hit" with the Nail without taking damage. An upcoming enemy revealed in the Hollow Knight: Silksong trailer bears a striking similarity to Jinn. It is also a companion to Steel Assassin Sharpe furthering some sort of motif of "steel" between the characters. Jinn is mistakenly referred to as male in some translations of the game. 600. Porter le Charme Écu du défenseur a pour effet de réduire le prix de Mangepatte à alt=Steel Soul Jinn is a Merchant in Hollow Knight. She only appears in Steel Soul Mode, replacing Confessor Jiji. Jinn resides in the locked cavern by the base of Crystal Peak in Dirtmouth, where she has been sleeping. She has unseen masters who do not seek order. Jinn speaks in rhythm and claims to be too young to tell anything about herself beside her purpose of providing and trading. Her metallic body cannot take damage, although she still reacts to strikes at her. Steel Soul Jinn replaces Jiji in Steel Soul Mode, as the difficulty mode's permanent death makes Jiji's service useless. She is disgusted by Rancid Eggs, but will still buy them for Geo 290-449 each, as a favor to a friend which she claims appreciates them. This is also an excuse for her to get rid of the Geo she accumulated after helping or hurting other creatures, despite not wanting any. Steel Soul Jinn is located on the very east side of Dirtmouth, within a cave that requires a Simple Key to open. The friend she mentions who likes Rancid Eggs is most likely Confessor Jiji, who is willing to offer her services for them. Jinn is one of the few NPCs who can be "hit" with the Nail without taking damage. An upcoming enemy revealed in the Hollow Knight: Silksong trailer bears a striking similarity to Jinn. It is also a companion to Steel Assassin Sharpe furthering some sort of motif of "steel" between the characters. Jinn is mistakenly referred to as male in some translations of the game. 480.

  • Description du magasin:
Tu es faible n’est-ce pas ? Tu devrais me donner tes Geos. Si tu me les donnes je t’offrirai ce Charme que j’ai fabriqué moi-même. Ce Charme te rendra plus fort. Tes ennemis et tous ceux qui croiseront ton chemin auront enfin peur de toi...

Lorsqu'il est cassé, MangePatte peut le réparer pour alt=Steel Soul Jinn is a Merchant in Hollow Knight. She only appears in Steel Soul Mode, replacing Confessor Jiji. Jinn resides in the locked cavern by the base of Crystal Peak in Dirtmouth, where she has been sleeping. She has unseen masters who do not seek order. Jinn speaks in rhythm and claims to be too young to tell anything about herself beside her purpose of providing and trading. Her metallic body cannot take damage, although she still reacts to strikes at her. Steel Soul Jinn replaces Jiji in Steel Soul Mode, as the difficulty mode's permanent death makes Jiji's service useless. She is disgusted by Rancid Eggs, but will still buy them for Geo 290-449 each, as a favor to a friend which she claims appreciates them. This is also an excuse for her to get rid of the Geo she accumulated after helping or hurting other creatures, despite not wanting any. Steel Soul Jinn is located on the very east side of Dirtmouth, within a cave that requires a Simple Key to open. The friend she mentions who likes Rancid Eggs is most likely Confessor Jiji, who is willing to offer her services for them. Jinn is one of the few NPCs who can be "hit" with the Nail without taking damage. An upcoming enemy revealed in the Hollow Knight: Silksong trailer bears a striking similarity to Jinn. It is also a companion to Steel Assassin Sharpe furthering some sort of motif of "steel" between the characters. Jinn is mistakenly referred to as male in some translations of the game. 350, ou, en portant l'Écu du défenseur, pour alt=Steel Soul Jinn is a Merchant in Hollow Knight. She only appears in Steel Soul Mode, replacing Confessor Jiji. Jinn resides in the locked cavern by the base of Crystal Peak in Dirtmouth, where she has been sleeping. She has unseen masters who do not seek order. Jinn speaks in rhythm and claims to be too young to tell anything about herself beside her purpose of providing and trading. Her metallic body cannot take damage, although she still reacts to strikes at her. Steel Soul Jinn replaces Jiji in Steel Soul Mode, as the difficulty mode's permanent death makes Jiji's service useless. She is disgusted by Rancid Eggs, but will still buy them for Geo 290-449 each, as a favor to a friend which she claims appreciates them. This is also an excuse for her to get rid of the Geo she accumulated after helping or hurting other creatures, despite not wanting any. Steel Soul Jinn is located on the very east side of Dirtmouth, within a cave that requires a Simple Key to open. The friend she mentions who likes Rancid Eggs is most likely Confessor Jiji, who is willing to offer her services for them. Jinn is one of the few NPCs who can be "hit" with the Nail without taking damage. An upcoming enemy revealed in the Hollow Knight: Silksong trailer bears a striking similarity to Jinn. It is also a companion to Steel Assassin Sharpe furthering some sort of motif of "steel" between the characters. Jinn is mistakenly referred to as male in some translations of the game. 280.

  • Description du magasin lorsqu'il est cassé :
Il est cassé et son pouvoir a été réduit au silence. C’est tellement triste ! Donne-moi des Geos et je te le réparerai.
La Troupe Grimm Icon Contenu La Troupe Grimm

Une fois que La Troupe Grimm a été invoquée, Divine devient accessible à Dirtmouth. Pour obtenir la version incassable de Force fragile, il faut s'en équiper avant de l'écouter, puis il doit lui être donné lorsqu'elle le demande. Elle mange le Charme, puis demande alt=Steel Soul Jinn is a Merchant in Hollow Knight. She only appears in Steel Soul Mode, replacing Confessor Jiji. Jinn resides in the locked cavern by the base of Crystal Peak in Dirtmouth, where she has been sleeping. She has unseen masters who do not seek order. Jinn speaks in rhythm and claims to be too young to tell anything about herself beside her purpose of providing and trading. Her metallic body cannot take damage, although she still reacts to strikes at her. Steel Soul Jinn replaces Jiji in Steel Soul Mode, as the difficulty mode's permanent death makes Jiji's service useless. She is disgusted by Rancid Eggs, but will still buy them for Geo 290-449 each, as a favor to a friend which she claims appreciates them. This is also an excuse for her to get rid of the Geo she accumulated after helping or hurting other creatures, despite not wanting any. Steel Soul Jinn is located on the very east side of Dirtmouth, within a cave that requires a Simple Key to open. The friend she mentions who likes Rancid Eggs is most likely Confessor Jiji, who is willing to offer her services for them. Jinn is one of the few NPCs who can be "hit" with the Nail without taking damage. An upcoming enemy revealed in the Hollow Knight: Silksong trailer bears a striking similarity to Jinn. It is also a companion to Steel Assassin Sharpe furthering some sort of motif of "steel" between the characters. Jinn is mistakenly referred to as male in some translations of the game. 15000. Une fois les Geo payés, elle donne la version incassable de Force fragile, Force Inébranlable.

Fureur des disparus

Fureur des disparus
S'ajoute avec Fureur des disparus, donnant une augmentation de 162,5% des dégâts à un masque lorsque les deux charmes sont équipés.
Larve-mouche élégie

Larve-mouche élégie
S'ajoute de manière multiplicative avec Force fragile, produisant 75% de dégâts de l'Aiguillon (arrondis à la valeur la plus proche, pair si .5) par projectile. 4/7/10/13/16 points de dégâts par amélioration d'Aiguillon 0/1/2/3/4.
Carapace infrangible

Carapace infrangible
Particulièrement efficace en combinaison avec Carapace infrangible, permettant au chevalier d'infliger une grande quantité de dégâts sans subir de dégâts supplémentaires.
Entaille rapide

Entaille rapide
Particulièrement efficace en combinaison avec Entaille Rapide, permettant au chevalier d'infliger rapidement une grande quantité de dégâts.
Liste des Charmes
Jeu principal
Wayward Compass

Boussole Murmurante
Gathering Swarm

Essaim cueilleur
Stalwart Shell

Carapace infrangible
Soul Catcher

Shaman Stone

Pierre du shaman
Soul Eater

Mangeur d'Âme

Maître de la célébrité
Thorns of Agony

Épines d'agonie
Fury of the Fallen

Fureur des disparus
Fragile Heart

Coeur fragile
Fragile Greed

Avarice fragile
Fragile Strength

Force fragile
Spell Twister

Tourmenteur d'Âme
Steady Body

Roc solide
Heavy Blow

Coup puissant
Quick Slash

Entaille rapide

Mark of Pride

Marque de respect
Baldur Shell

Carapace de Baldur

Nid de Flukes
Defender's Crest

Écu du défenseur
Glowing Womb

Ventre rutilant
Quick Focus

Canalisation rapide
Deep Focus

Canalisation intense
Lifeblood Heart

Coeur sang-de-vie
Lifeblood Core

Noyau sang-de-vie
Joni's Blessing

Bénédiction de Joni

Chant des larves
Grubberfly's Elegy

Larve-mouche élégie

Spore Shroom

Sharp Shadow

Ombre tranchante
Shape of Unn

Forme d'Unn
Nailmaster's Glory

Gloire du Maître d'Aiguillons
Dream Wielder

Porteur de rêves

Void Heart

Coeur du vide
La Troupe Grimm Icon Contenu La Troupe Grimm

Unbreakable Heart

Coeur Indestructible
Unbreakable Greed

Cupidité Irréversible
Unbreakable Strength

Force Inébranlable

Bouclier éthéré

Chant du Tisserand

Maître de la vitesse
Mélodie insouciante

Mélodie insouciante

L’Héritier de Grimm
